“I always wondered how someone as smart as you could believe all that stuff.”
“What is it that you think I believe?”
This is the home page for the University of North Carolina Christian Faculty Association (UNCCFA.org). It is a site for members of the UNC-Chapel Hill community to find out about Christian faculty, organizations, and events on campus and to find Christian colleagues to talk to or ask about faith issues.
It is also a site for Christian faculty members to share information about campus activities with the broader community, to help each other be effective witnesses, and to shine Jesus’ light from The Hill.
The site includes:
- A set of links to campus Christian groups
- A list of self-identified Christian faculty members at UNC Chapel Hill
- A list of pointers to resources for Christian faculty.
- A page listing local events of potential interest to UNC faculty, staff, and students.
If you would like to be listed on the faculty list, send email to unccfa@gracehollow.com with your name, department, and contact information.